Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Model Discovered • Eric Turner

Model Discovered • September 2009 » Eric Turner

I'm back to re-launch this blog... And as my first post, I represent to you, Eric Turner in the gallery of Discovered Model - September 2009. Download all the high quality galleries, check out the exclusivo interview, and you will get know who he is. You can get more of details, after the jump…

Why Discovered Model? It posts about male models that were discovered by modeling world and features their short bio, portfolio, and galleries. And so, Eric was discovered by many photographers, model agencies, and by "someone that's looking for HIS look".

Eric Turner is a 29 year-old model from Salt Lake City, Utah. Was started his career in modeling since he was 21. Currently working as an exclusive model on Mega Muscle. He's so fun to chat with, and claims himself as "the real Mr. America" (he is…!) on his Myspace profile.
And here are some details of personal look. May be you want to offer him a job, yes RECOMMENDED to you... hix hix

Model Discovered • September 2009 » Eric Turner

You can find him, on his network pages:
1. Website -
2. Myspace -
3. Facebook - Eric Turner
4. Model Mayhem - #684384
5. Mega Muscle -

Now let's see the galleries:
1. Eric Turner on Mega Muscle permalink
2. Eric Turner on a mission - photoshoot permalink
3. Eric Turner by Neo Fragoso permalink
4. Eric Turner by Hip Fray Photography permalink
5. Eric Turner by M James Photography permalink
6. Eric Turner by Ryan Gordon permalink
7. Eric Turner by Carlos Arias permalink

About this post :
POSTED AT: Wednesday - September 9, 2009
GALLERIES : Eric Turner
CATEGORIES: Model Discovered, Model, Photography